Freelance Business Training

Get better clients, elevate your systems, make more money, and level up your freelancing skills.

Business Training And Courses For Freelancers

If you’ve ever wished for another freelancer to spill their secrets, share their mistakes, show you exactly what to do to build a successful freelance business, and give you everything you need to move fast, you’re in the right place.

Whether you’re just starting a freelance business or you’ve been freelancing successfully for a while, congratulations!

Being a freelancer, blazing your own path, and choosing to work and live life on your own terms is amazing. Being your own boss is also hard as hell because now you’re responsible for everything, and suddenly, you have a lot less time than you thought.

Freelancing isn’t for the faint of heart.

Working on your business — your offers, pricing, systems, messaging, copy, content, design, marketing, sales, invoicing, and everything else — takes so much more time, energy, and effort than plugging away at a nine-to-five. But it doesn’t have to be difficult or frustrating. And you don’t have to do it alone or make it up as you go, flying by the seat of your pants and hoping something doesn’t go wrong.

I want to help you build an efficient, flexible, consistently profitable, freelance business that gives you the freedom to enjoy life along the way.

Check out the courses and resources below and let’s do better business together.

Profitable Project Plan

For web designers, web developers, and consultants selling website services.

Profitable Project Plan walks step-by-step through the process of delivering a complete website project from start to finish, from a client management and project management perspective.

With the goal of streamlining workflows, elevating client experiences, and increasing profit margins, this course covers sales and contracts, getting paid, project strategy, website content, design and development, launch and training, off-boarding, monthly support plans, and opportunities to increase client spends and build recurring revenue.

Each lesson covers one step of the website project process and includes video/audio training, lesson handbooks, checklists, weekly group Q&A and coaching sessions, and the resources, scripts, and templates needed to adapt what you learn for your business.

Learn More And Sign Up Today!

Content Creators Club

For content creators who want a fresh perspective and personalized content coaching.

A Content Creators Club membership gives you access to live, weekly Content Collabs where you get an extra set of eyes on your content to get unstuck and on your way.

If you’ve ever stared a white screen wondering what to write, second-guessed the clarity of your writing, or wished for feedback from a pro, this is for you. From articles, scripts, and emails to course content, client communication, and social media posts, bring your ideas, outlines, and draft content to the live Collabs for discussion, review, and live copyediting.

Weekly Content Creators Club Collabs are currently held via Zoom on Thursdays at 10:00 am Pacific, and last 90 minutes. All Collabs are recorded and available in the Content Creators Club Headquarters within 24 hours.

Learn More And Join Today!

Confident Comebacks

For service-based creative freelancers who produce a tangible work product for clients.

Confident Comebacks helps you turn sticky client situations and awkward asks into positive outcomes with a growing collection of customizable responses that are firm, fair, and friendly.

Whether you’re communicating by phone, email, video chat, or in person, the 150+ scripts and email templates in this resource ensure you can handle any tough conversation that comes your way with professionalism, grace, and confidence. Simply find the right script, get comfortable with the narrative, and edit it to fit your needs.

Confident Comebacks includes scripts and script variations for lead generation challenges, sales objections, contract hurdles, payment issues, client management troubles, design problems, and even some WTF-That’s-Bonkers edge cases.

See All The Scripts Included

Packaging And Pricing

For serviced-based business owners ready to stop undercharging and overdelivering.

Packaging And Pricing teaches you to calculate your rates and start packaging and pricing your freelance services for profit so you can get paid for the full value and impact of your work.

This course gives you everything you need to confidently talk about what you charge, communicate the value of your offers, and inspire clients to happily pay your full fee. You’ll learn to establish your rates, create profitable packages, and position those packages to get more yeses. You’ll also learn to navigate raising rates with integrity.

Each core lesson covers one aspect of packaging and pricing, with video/audio training, detailed workbooks and worksheets, and examples to reference. A bonus library of mini lessons cover adjacent topics on all things money and pricing from mindset to mistakes.

Enrollment Is Closed Until March 2024

Content Camp: Brand Messaging

For freelancers who need clarity on how to speak about their offers effectively.

Content Camp: Brand Messaging is a collection of 12 training sessions and instructional workbooks that help you define who you’re selling to, what you’re selling to them, and how to communicate both so the right people pay attention.

Brand messaging is the heart of your website and the foundation for all marketing and sales efforts, client communication, and content creation in your business. When you get your brand messaging right and understand what ideal clients need to know, learn, believe, and feel to act, every step you take yields more significant, impactful results.

Regardless of where you’re at in your business journey, revisiting your brand messaging to ensure its effectiveness is a smart play. With this training, you’ll learn to define your audience, position your offers so they’re irresistible, and craft powerful marketing messages.

Check Out Content Camp: Brand Messaging

Content Camp: Website Copy

For service-based businesses who need to write or rewrite their website content.

Content Camp: Website Copy gives you page-by-page training, frameworks, wireframes, and writing instructions so you can write your website content fast and feel confident that it will convert browsers into buyers and leads into clients.

If you are building a personal brand or freelance business, you need a website. And if you need a website, you need more than great design. You need website copy — the words and text that fill each page — because copy is what persuades a visitor to take the next step and hire you, buy from you, learn from you, or subscribe to your email list.

From your Home, About, and Services pages to your testimonials, case studies, and calls to action, you’ll learn what to say, how say it, and in what order to say it. You’ll get copywriting tools, frameworks, and resources that make writing website copy easier and faster.

Check Out Content Camp: Website Copy

Content Camp: Content Marketing

For businesses who want to use content marketing to generate leads and attract clients.

Content Camp: Content Marketing teaches you how to create a 90-Day Content Marketing Blueprint that details exactly what to content create, when to create and publish it, and how to distribute and promote it to get the best results.

In this collection of trainings and workbooks, you’ll learn how to use content marketing to build authority, grow your email list, and drive sales. The secret? Prompts, content starters, and detailed, step-by-step content frameworks that make planning, outlining, and writing strategic, purposeful content easier, faster, and more effective.

Whether you’re developing video scripts, writing articles and blog posts, or outlining scripts for your podcast, you need a clear, simple content strategy that supports your revenue-generating offers so the content you create moves the right people into your sales funnel.

Check Out Content Camp: Content Marketing