Profitable Project Plan

A Business Training And Mentorship Program For Web Designers And Developers

Build A Sustainable, Consistently Profitable, Web Design Business

Profitable Project Plan saves years of expensive trial and error, provides a structured approach to running website projects, and accelerates the leveling up of your client experience and business.

Let’s Build A Better Web Design Business Together

You’re here because you love what you do, you’re great at creating websites, and business is pretty good… But it could be better and you want:

  • A consistent pipeline of lucrative leads and quality referrals.
  • Happy clients who are a dream to work with and provide great testimonials.
  • Dependable recurring revenue and reliable systems to support you.
  • Less uncertainty, more confidence, and greater ease across your business.
  • To feel professional, stand out, and be the only choice for ideal clients.
  • The ability to be choosy about what clients and projects you say yes to.

But sometimes, it feels like starting, managing, or growing your web design business is more struggle than success — and your business is sort of taking over everything!

Trust me. I get it.

Before creating and automating systems in my business, I worked long hours and weekends and was perpetually stressed, overwhelmed, overworked, and exhausted.

  • I struggled to communicate my value and as a result, my revenue didn’t match the effort I was expending and amount of work I was doing.
  • I had too many clients and too much work! I was always at capacity, client projects were running me ragged and sucking the life out of me, and I no longer felt inspired.
  • I was flying by the seat of my pants without any systems in place, and things were beginning to fall through the cracks.
  • Even though I worked at home and created my schedule, I still had no “free time” to spend time with friends and family.
  • I suffered intense guilt: When I focused on family, I felt stressed about neglecting my business. And when I focused on my business, I felt stressed about neglecting my family.
  • I even hired expensive business coaches who didn’t understand my industry, my business model, or my unique needs and just tried to push cookie-cutter frameworks.

I finally hit my breaking point and said, “Enough is enough, there has to be a better way.”

I found better mentors; documented business operations, project delivery, and client management processes; created systems for everything; and leveraged automation tools to free up my time, streamline workflows, deliver greater value to clients, save my sanity, and increase profit margins.

The systems in Profitable Project Plan were the result and they changed EVERYTHING.

I raised my prices 10X, hired my husband, grew my team, cut my hours, and built a successful business while traveling and road-tripping and enjoying the hell out of life along the way.

It’s been incredible.

The business systems I created supported my business goals and gave me my life back. I now take all the vacation I want without working on vacation, I no longer have to work nights or weekends, and revenue/net profits are the highest they have ever been.

And the truth is, I’m no different than you.

I don’t have secret superpowers or access to some secret magical solution, which means…

You can do it too!

You can create the business and life you dream of.

You can build a web design business you love — one that supports the lifestyle you desire. You can run your projects like a pro and stop letting them run you. And the Profitable Project Plan lessons, tools and resources, Q&A sessions, and community can help every step of the way.

The Creation Of Profitable Project Plan

The core systems included in Profitable Project Plan have been around longer than many other experts' businesses and consistently improved year after year.

Profitable Project Plan was created in late 2010/early 2011 and tested with a focus group of business owners with varying levels of technical savvy, including a business coach, a copywriter, a marketing strategist, a nutritionist, a CPA, a virtual assistant, an author, a speaker, and a blogger — and a family member with little technical knowledge.

Since then, the systems have been used on hundreds of real-world web design projects and repeatedly refined and expanded to streamline website project workflows, increase profitability, and improve client satisfaction — and each year the materials are refined to help YOU improve all aspects of your website projects, create more freedom, and increase overall profit margins.

Skip The Cookie Cutter Solutions

Just as no two business owners are the same, no two businesses are the same.

  • Profitable Project Plan isn’t about adopting a one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter, approach to managing clients and projects. This isn’t a program that runs through old content on autopilot. It also doesn’t waste your time with a my-way-is-the-only-way approach.
  • Profitable Project Plan is about learning client management lessons I learned the hard way, discovering the strategies behind the tactics, and taking everything I’ve created, tested, and refined for my website projects and adapting it for your business.

That means I’m with you every step of the way — every lesson, live discussion and Q&A session, expert interview, and program bonus training. And of course, every live session is recorded so you can revisit it later on.

Sustainable Business Growth

As I have grown my business, I’ve enjoyed life along the way, taking incredible vacations and road trips, attending concerts, visiting National Parks, relaxing by my pool, and creating unforgettable moments with friends and family — all because I have solid, reliable systems in place that support my business, care for my clients, and move projects forward in a meaningful way.

Profitable Project Plan changed everything about my business for the better and completely transformed my life. It’s helped hundreds of freelancers and small business owners and it can help you too if you’re willing to dedicate time to working on your business…

Liz Weaver

"Having been a sole proprietor for 18 years, I knew it was time to level up. I tried coaches, and they kept me motivated, but I wanted to know the exact tools and processes. This is by far the best business course I've taken — so much more helpful than taking a bunch of little courses or listening to a bunch of YouTube videos. I'm so thankful for the structure, the step-by-step instruction, and the lifetime access.

I raised my rates and my revenue is higher than last year! I focused on improving my website and onboarding my clients, and my proposals are much more in-depth, which has won me a few new contracts."

Liz Weaver |

Profitable Project Plan Overview

Profitable Project Plan's 32 live training sessions are delivered in four sections with a program overview to kick things off and a program wrap up to review, reflect, and look ahead.

Erwin Raaphorst

We've increased our hourly rate and created a strong focus on profitability.

“My business was good and the processes in place were good but I always had the feeling there was room for improvement and business potential. PPP so well put together, following through the whole business process from leads to client care after website delivery. And hearing the other agencies during the roundtable discussions and Q&A sessions and in the Facebook group is, again, gold! The business feels like a proper agency now (although it’s still a one-man band). The absolute lightbulb session was: Profitable Pricing. We’ve increased our hourly rate and created a strong focus on profitability with every task and project we’re doing.”

— Erwin Raaphorst |

Susan Docker

My projects are smoother, my clients are happier, and I am happier.

“Before PPP, things were chaotic. I had more work than I could do, but I wasn’t charging for a lot of my time and scope creep was killing my fixed-price jobs. I have taken general business courses and group business coaching but this course specifically for small businesses offering web services was what I needed.

The weekly Zoom calls were life savers. It was reassuring to have a committee of experts to go to if I had a question. The PPP workbooks and client communication templates were so specific and on point, clearly defining processes to streamline the workflow and educate clients. And the weekly lessons codified what I intuitively knew but hadn’t formalized in my business AND always taught me something new. Now, my projects are smoother, my clients are happier, and I am happier, and I have the energy and optimism to put new services together for the coming year. On the fence about PPP? DO IT!! It will be the best decision you have ever made.”

— Susan Docker |

Section 1: Sensible Sales

Money isn’t the most important thing, but it touches everything that is. Consistent sales, strong contracts, profitable pricing, and reliable payments are the foundation of a profitable web design business.

Get Six Comprehensive Lessons, Each With Personalized Coaching, Live Discussions, And Q&A Opportunities

Stacey Chapman

I met my yearly financial goal at the end of Sept!

“The structure of PPP has been brilliant. The weekly lessons are clear and easy to follow – I often download the audio and listen as I’m out exercising. Everything given with examples really made it easy to work through and implement. The weekly calls were great to hear from other people about how they were approaching things.

This year, I’ve raised my rates on new projects and I’ve got better systems in place for client management and project management. I have also outsourced some areas, like website care plans, which meant that I could go on holidays without any stress and someone else is available to handle ongoing issues. I met my yearly financial goal at the end of Sept! Projects are running smoother and clients have had great feedback on the process. PPP is probably worth 10x the investment. The content is really easy to follow and adapt to your own business and the community helps you feel less isolated and motivated to get things done.”

— Stacey Chapman |

Leslie Bales

PPP continues to be an invaluable resource for my business.

“Profitable Project Plan (PPP) continues to be an invaluable resource for my business. This is my third time doing the program and each time I learn more and implement more. As a result, I’ve gained more confidence in myself and my business. PPP has allowed me to serve my clients better and level up my skills. Jennifer is an absolute master instructor and keeps giving and giving. I’m so grateful for the PPP community and FB group. Everyone is generous and collaborative. It is great to be part of a community that has your back in this business. Invest in your business with Profitable Project Plan you will be so happy you did. You will learn a ton and gain an awesome supportive community of like-minded professionals.”

— Leslie Bales |

Section 2: Client Management

Effective client management ensures your time is spent on strategic, meaningful work. It creates happier clients, smoother website projects, fewer revisions, faster approvals — which means higher profit margins and more referrals.

Get Nine Comprehensive Lessons, Each With Personalized Coaching, Live Discussions, And Q&A Opportunities

Laura Nurse

I increased my fees 6X and created the initial business systems to get more done.

“Before joining PPP, my business was just a dream! If I was going to pursue it, I knew I needed mentorship and straight up instructions, so when Jen replied almost instantly to a personal email, answering my questions as a real thoughtful human, I knew it was GO TIME. Outside of the content, Jen’s patience and inclusive/welcoming presence has encouraged me every week to keep learning and asking questions.

This year, I set my introductory rates and raised them bit by bit with confidence. I increased my fees 6X and created the initial business systems to get more done AND provide the client experience I had been dreaming of. With every project I’ve taken on since starting PPP, the clients are getting better and better, and so am I. I really feel confident and know that I can meet new challenges with clients and in my business. If it’s the price your deliberating about, just do it. You will make your money back within weeks of the program start just by implementing the first parts of her process and teachings. I’m on board 100% for next year. You comin’ or what?!

— Laura Nurse |

Patrick Boehner

I'm working with fewer clients per year and still making more.

“PPP starts with a process but touches every part of your business. I’ve changed who I work with, what problems I solve, and how much I charge, which means I now work with better clients, my projects are more profitable, and I’m working with fewer clients per year and still making more.

But the real value is that I feel confident and happier in my business and where I am taking my business thanks to the guidance I continue to receive from PPP.

This program is worth far more than the price. The lessons, workbooks, and templates all justify the price but those are just the tip of the iceberg. People really grow in the program because of the community, the access to Jennifer for live Q&A, the feedback and support, and access to expert interviews. You’re not blindly implementing, you’re growing as a business owner and service provider.”

— Patrick Boehner |

Section 3: Lucrative Leads

Say goodbye to time-wasting tire-kickers and hello to lucrative leads. Take an intentional approach to lead generation and attract more i-love-you-here's-my-credit-card-lets-start-now web design clients.

Get Nine Comprehensive Lessons, Each With Personalized Coaching, Live Discussions, And Q&A Opportunities

Eric Amundson

We have grown our recurring revenue by 6X.

“Before PPP, many aspects of my business were floating around in my head. I often felt overwhelmed, stuck, and not sure where to invest energy to improve my business. I was hesitant because PPP is geared more toward freelancers than agency owners, but I got lots of great insight and ideas, and the principles apply to agencies too. Honestly, the most helpful thing was realizing that I’m not alone and we all have many of the same experiences. Jennifer’s way of documenting processes and frankly sharing wins and losses was extremely helpful and motivating.

We have improved several systems and documentation and continue to refine our estimating, onboarding, production, and client care processes. We have also grown our recurring revenue by 6X. Most importantly, I have direction and priorities. If you’re feeling alone, overwhelmed, and unsure where to focus your efforts for maximum returns, join and see how powerful it can be to learn from other folk’s experiences and be part of a larger group of helpful people.”

— Eric Amundson |

Amber Powers

I wish I'd signed up years ago when I first started my business!

“PPP has been amazing and I haven’t even finished the course yet! I’m still so impressed that there are email templates and client downloads included that we’re allowed to use with our clients. It would have taken me soooo long to put together the content myself — it’s amazing that I can use and adapt the materials provided and improve my process and client support so quickly.

I wish I’d signed up years ago when I first started my business. I’d be in a much better position now if I had! I’ve learned so much about how to improve the way I work, how to support clients so they have an amazing experience, keep projects on schedule, confidently charge more, help with website copy (the number one bottleneck in all of my projects!), and streamline and organize my web design process and business. I’ve never been more excited about running my business. I feel like things are finally coming together and I’m actually the CEO instead of an imposter struggling to keep all of the plates spinning!

Even if you’ve got a process that’s working, you’ll learn something new from PPP. If you want to feel more confident, streamline your business, make more money, and work more creatively and efficiently, PPP is for you.”

— Amber Powers |

Section 4: Recurring Revenue

Recurring revenue — money coming in every month that doesn't require you to sell — reduces stress, creates flexibility and freedom, and gives you a strong foundation that supports your dream business and life.

Get Six Comprehensive Lessons, Each With Personalized Coaching, Live Discussions, And Q&A Opportunities

Join Profitable Project Plan Today!

Get lifetime access to everything you need to tame the chaos and build a successful, sustainable, profitable business, enjoy more freedom and flexibility, and have more fun in a friendly supportive community!

One Payment Of $1997

Join Now!


10 Payments Of $200

Join Now!

Payment Types

The Next Cohort Starts January 15, 2024 And Runs Through September 2024

You'll learn alongside other web designers, web developers, website builders, and digital consultants at the same pace. Here's how it works:

  • Mondays:
    Gain access to the week’s lesson and materials, including the video/audio training, the lesson handbook and checklist(s), and related scripts, templates, and tools.
  • Wednesdays:
    Join members live via Zoom at 12:00 pm for a collaborative roundtable discussion + Q&A session where you can ask questions, clarify details, talk through lesson concepts, and share ideas. Sessions last as long as there are questions (usually 45-90 minutes).
  • Replays:
    All live sessions are recorded. Video replays, chat transcripts, and downloadable audio MP3s are available within 24 hours.
  • On Demand:
    Past Expert Interviews and the entire PPP Learning Library are available on demand.

2024 is the LAST YEAR lifetime access is being offered!

Anyone who enrolls in the 2024 cohort, and all past program alumni in good standing, will retain lifetime access to everything included in Profitable Project Plan 2024 AND what’s new that’s already in the works! After enrollment for this cohort closes, lifetime access will no longer be offered.

What You Get In Profitable Project Plan

PPP may be well known for its business training for web designers, developers, and creative freelancers, but it's famous for its done-for-you tools, checklists, templates, resources, and scripts ready to be customized.

Sean Atkinson

"Initially, I flinched at the price of PPP but knowing what I know now, it is the best investment I have made for my business. PPP exceeds in value any other course I've taken — I earned my investment back a few times over in the first couple of months. Every time I look through a lesson and listen to the interviews, I learn something new that fits my current circumstances and the community is second to none.

Jennifer showed me that by creating a quality service with the right messaging and the right rates, ideal customers will find and choose me. The confidence and clarity that I've gained from PPP are immeasurable. I'm booking podcast interviews and reaching audiences that I would have otherwise missed out on. This has increased revenue and the caliber of clients that I am partnering with on projects. It's a total game-changer."

Sean Atkinson | Majority Media

Michelle Schulp

Insert 'shut up and take my money' meme here.

“I am a strategic digital designer and front-end WordPress developer. I’m smart and savvy enough to get about “80% there” improving my business, but it takes an outside resource to provide accountability and facilitate the “aha moments” to get me the remaining 20% of the way there. Anything Jennifer Bourn has to say about running an independent design/development business is gold. Insert ‘shut up and take my money’ meme here.”

Profitable Project Plan’s difference is Jennifer’s personal nature and authenticity, and the knowledge that she has developed this program through years of trial and error. Being aware of how meticulous and deliberate she is in her business and life choices really gives the methodology a strong backbone, and you can tell it has grown through real-world use. I appreciate knowing the framework is there to either follow word-for-word, or to glean insights from and build on top of what is already working for me in my business.

— Michelle Schulp | Marktime Media

Matt Ryan

I used the contract and got the job. I used the onboarding and the client was wow'ed.

“I needed a way to produce better results with the same or less effort and Profitable Project Plan provided actionable advice down to the task level. It gave me an overall understanding of the problem, why it needed to be fixed, the approach to use to fix it, and the specific steps to take to fix it. No question was too mundane and all were answered with respect, consideration, and thoughtfulness.

I used the contract and got the job. I used the onboarding sequence and the client was wow’ed. I used the design sequence, the strategy call, all the emails, up through the design acceptance and next steps call and my client hasn’t stopped gushing about the amount of ‘good stuff’ I’m providing and how he’s so glad he decided to work with me. This is the training you will always win with. It’s unlikely you have ever experienced a program that offers the exceptional return on investment that PPP does.”

— Matt Ryan | Cap Web Solutions

Donna Mavromates

I'm finally getting paid for ALL of the work that I do.

“I joined PPP because I felt like I needed accountability and support from like-minded peers who knew exactly what I was going through. Before PPP, I had processes in place but I wasn’t charging enough and I didn’t realize how much we were giving away for free by not addressing scope creep and issuing change orders. When I compared the value of what PPP included to similar programs, I was blown away by how affordable it was. At first I thought it was too good to be true but Jennifer far exceeded every expectation I had. It was as if she was in my head, addressing every single issue I knew my business needed help with.

After implementing PPP, I’m finally getting paid for ALL of the work that I do. I have no hesitation in reaching out to a client when their website project is on the border of ‘scope creep’ and I know exactly what to say because I have a ‘swipe file’ of templates with email responses and change order documents I can pull from. The entire website process – from the first welcome email to the last off-boarding wrap-up document – is so much smoother and clearly defined. My clients love the high-touch, personal service they receive that doesn’t take much more time from me to implement.

Sign up NOW. Don’t wait until you think you “have more time”. There will always be something that comes up if you wait. Trust me when I say that it will be the best investment that you’ll make in your business.”

— Donna Mavromates |

Carol Stambaugh

One year ago, I would have bid this project at 1/2 the price.

“Our business was only care plans and we needed to diversify and get back into project work. The prospect of learning to do projects the right way was the thing that drew us to PPP.

We are beginning our first project which will go completely through the PPP client management system from start to finish. More importantly, one year ago, I would have bid this project at 1/2 the price. PPP gave our agency the tools and systems to improve our services and process and the confidence to charge the rates that we deserve, essentially doubling our rates.

You will need to put in the work to achieve your goals. However, if you are willing to put the time and effort into your business, PPP gives you the structure and support to succeed. The method comes complete with handbooks, worksheets, and checklists and Jennifer breaks it down into easy-to-follow instructions. The best part is that when you do have questions or get overwhelmed, the live sessions with Jen and other members are invaluable at moving past your stuck points.”

— Carol Stambaugh |

Cheers To Bonuses And Extras

Have you ever seen a launch without bonuses? No? Same! But I despise fake bonuses that don't add value so rest assured, even the bonuses have been designed to help you reach your goals.

Join Profitable Project Plan Today!

Get lifetime access to everything you need to tame the chaos and build a successful, sustainable, profitable business, enjoy more freedom and flexibility, and have more fun in a friendly supportive community!

One Payment Of $1997

Join Now!


10 Payments Of $200

Join Now!

Payment Types
Amy Baron Hatch

"This program gave me the confidence to speak up and charge what I'm worth.

I am now clear about the services I offer and the value I provide. I know who my ideal clients are and no longer accept clients that aren't a good fit — a huge accomplishment for someone who has had trouble setting boundaries! I've raised my rates, ended a business partnership that wasn't working, projects are completed faster, and my income has increased. I feel more balanced and enjoy my work and my free time more!

The value of this program is far greater than the cost. It has moved my business forward quickly and the templates have saved me so much time and keep me looking professional — I can't imagine how long it would take to develop those on my own!"

Amy Baron Hatch |

BONUS! More Clients, More Money Intensive

Get 30+ scripts to fill your client pipeline and join Jen for two live implementation workshops so you can earn back your program investment fast.

Get More Clients Intensive Logo

The Profitable Project Plan Get More Clients Intensive Scripts Are Available Immediately!

Kick things off by taking action to get more web design clients, earn back your full program investment, and set up 2024 to be your most profitable year ever. Use the scripts on your own, or join me live to get the support you need to generate new leads, nurture existing leads, and sell more to existing clients!

  • Nov. 8: Upsell existing clients.
    Get everything needed to invite web design clients to hire you again or to communicate an rate increase.
  • Nov. 10: Gain new clients.
    Get everything needed to follow up with lost leads and tap your network for new business and new referrals.

Plus, there’s a prep spreadsheet and instructions to help you organize your efforts!

Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a new freelancer looking to land your first few web design clients, if you do the work, you can walk into 2024 like a badass because you’ll have new projects lined up and new clients waiting to get started.

BONUS! Confident Comebacks

Get 150+ client service scripts you can use and customize to quickly craft firm, fair, and friendly responses to even the most sticky client situations.

Confident Comebacks is a dream come true if you’re tired of agonizing over the perfect wording for tough client communications.

You won’t find any flippant remarks or juvenile responses that are borderline rude. Every script is written in a friendly yet professional tone to deliver clear communication.

So, the next time you find yourself in a wonky spot with a website client, skip the stress and worry and instead, grab Confident Comebacks, find the right comeback script, edit it as needed, and confidently hit send.

Confident Comebacks Includes:

  • 11 Lead Gen Scripts
  • 20 Sales Scripts with 12 additional variations
  • 20 Contract Scripts with 15 additional variations
  • 9 Payment Scripts with 1 additional variation
  • 22 Client Management Scripts with 8 additional variations
  • 11 Design Scripts with 1 additional variation
  • 10 Uh-Oh Scripts

No matter what, whether you’re communicating by phone, email, video chat, or in-person, with Confident Comebacks, you can turn troublesome situations into positive outcomes with a response you can feel great about.

Confident Comebacks Cover

Beth Alessi

“PPP is incredible because it hands you a ready-to-go, proven process that you can run with and tweak for your business. The amount of information you get is huge, which could be overwhelming, but it’s broken down perfectly and easy to follow. The best part is you have access to Jennifer to ask questions. I gained a clear client process, which means I make more money because everything runs smoother, and my clients are happier because they know exactly what to expect.

Out of all the courses I’ve bought, PPP has delivered the best value hands down. It’s above and beyond any course I’ve been a part of. I’m forever impressed by Jennifer’s depth of knowledge and her ability to answer questions spot-on on a dime. The ability to get advice from someone with her level of experience is invaluable.”

Beth Alessi |

BONUS! Client Attraction Challenges

You're here, which means you're selling websites, and if you're selling websites, you need clients. Get more clients by joining Profitable Project Plan and completing the 14 Client Attraction Challenges.

The Profitable Project Plan Client Attraction Challenges will help you get more web design clients, strengthen strategic relationships, and fill your pipeline with high-quality referrals and perfect-fit leads. It’s all about increasing visibility and becoming known because no one can hire you to design, redesign, or build their website if they don’t know you exist or how you can help.

  • Stop worrying, second-guessing, wondering what to do, and hoping a client show up.
  • When you know exactly what to do and how to do it, you can act with confidence.

Each Client Attraction Challenge gives you ONE lead generation or marketing task to complete to build your brand, expand your reach, become known, and attract new web design clients you love. And getting it done is easier because you’ll get step-by-step instructions and everything you need — scripts, templates, prompts, and examples to reference — to act with speed and confidence.

Plus, because the Client Attraction Challenges are outside the core Profitable Project Plan curriculum, they’re self-paced. Once unlocked, you can work them into your schedule whenever you have time and ask questions or get support in the Facebook Group. Plus, with lifetime access to all of the business training and challenges, there is no pressure to do everything right away.

BONUS! Expert Insights + Fresh Perspectives

Attend new interviews and get access to 55+ on-demand Expert Interviews on topics like mindset, management, branding, web design, web development, marketing, lead generation, operations, and money.

Ciara Pressler

Ciara Pressler, Founder, Pregame

Setting Goals + Achieving Them

Anyone can set a goal, few are willing to do what’s needed to make that goal a reality. Join Jennifer and Ciara for a conversation about why many goals go unmet, what must happen to make achieving your goals possible, and how to put a game plan in place that paves the way for the success you desire.

Josh Eaton

Josh Eaton, CEO, Reaktiv Studios

Selling Paid Discovery Projects

Discovery projects put an end to free consulting, weed out troublesome clients, and position your premium offer as a must-have. Join Jennifer and Josh for a conversation about how paid discovery benefits you and your clients, how to sell paid discovery, and how it helps you close projects faster and easier.

Lisa Larter

Lisa Larter, CEO, Lisa Larter Group

Leading And Empowering Teams

You’re great at what you do but what you do isn’t being a boss. That’s a role you step into as your business grows and it requires a different mindset. Join Jennifer and Lisa as they talk about running your business like a boss, assuming a leadership role, and empowering your team to bring their A-game.

Brian Casel

Brian Casel, Founder, ZipMessage

Asynchronous Communication

Client communication doesn't have to mean endless meetings, phone calls, and email, or hours spent in your PM system. Join Jennifer and Brian as they discuss how asynchronous communication can create better, more flexible client experiences and empower you to always put your best foot forward.

Lou Bortone

Lou Bortone, Digital Marketing Consultant

Build Your Brand With Video Marketing

If you've got a message to share, a story to tell, or a product or service to sell, video is the fastest and most powerful way to get it out there. Join Jennifer and Lou as they talk about using video to stop being a best-kept secret, start building your brand, and grow your influence, impact, and income.

Samantha Senghut

Samantha Zehngut, COO, Electronic Waveform Lab, Inc.

Planning For Sustainable Growth

When you wear all the hats, business planning often gets ignored. Join Jennifer and Samantha for an insightful discussion about why every business needs to plan for future growth, how to think about sustainable growth, and what that actually means in terms of business operations, team, and revenue.

Chris Lema

Chris Lema, Chief Product Officer, Cherith Analytics

Online Course Business Models

There are loads of LMS software tutorials but far fewer tutorials about making money with an online course. Join Jennifer and Chris for a conversation about the business models that power online courses and how to help course creators create a successful website that drives sales.

Sydni Craig-Hart

Sydni Craig-Hart, CEO/Co-Founder, Smart Simple Marketing

Ideal Client Brand Positioning

When the clients you have aren’t the clients you want, you brand positioning needs to change. Join Jennifer and Sydni as they talk about what it means to pivot a business, the realities of moving upmarket to work with bigger clients and bigger budgets, and how to make your brand a desirable partner.

Tracy Apps

Tracy Apps, Owner, Tracy Apps Design

Doing UX On A Budget

User experience design directly impacts the success of a website. But what if the budget isn’t big enough to do all the UX tasks gurus claim you need? Join Jennifer and Tracy as they discuss what it means to do UX on a budget and how you can create useful and enjoyable user experiences for every client.

Jimmy Rose

James Rose, Co-Founder, Content Snare

Automating Business Operations

Business operations is all about the systems and processes that power your business. Join Jennifer and Jimmy as they talk about how operations automation can shrink your to-do lists, save time, improve customer experiences, and maximize profit margins, as well as how to start with simple tasks.

Tara Claeys

Tara Claeys, Owner, Design TLC

Creating Education Websites

From providing vital information and communicating with parents to managing admissions and accepting applications, education websites work hard. Join Jennifer and Tara for a conversation about building websites for schools and how to align your services with their unique needs and requirements.

Brad Morrison

Brad Morrison, Founder, GoWP

Outsourcing And Partnerships

If your business is growing, you likely need support but might not be ready for a full-time hire. Join Jennifer and Brad for a discussion about leveraging partnerships, subcontractors, and white label companies to outsource work, eliminate bottlenecks, and create space to focus on growth and profits.

Blair Williams

Blair Williams, Founder, MemberPress

Membership Site Strategy

With recurring revenue a primary focus for digital entrepreneurs, the demand for membership websites has skyrocketed. Join Jennifer and Blair as they discuss what to consider when choosing membership site software, hazards to avoid, and tips to ensure a smooth membership site build.

Rian Kinney, Esq.

Rian Kinney, Esq., eCommLegal

Privacy, GDPR, And More

When it comes to privacy, data management, and regulations like GDPR, what responsibilities do designers and developers have when building websites for clients? Join Jennifer and Rian as they talk about all things privacy, consumer data, GDPR, and what you need to know to stay out of hot water.

Jean Perpillant

Jean Perpillant, Owner, Design Theory

Small Business Marketing

To build a business, you need clients. To get clients, you need effective marketing. Join Jennifer and Jean for a conversation about marketing and lead generation for small businesses, how to help clients get more clients and customers, and how to earn more referrals and keep clients coming back.

Tracy Levesque

Tracy Levesque, Co-founder, YIKES, Inc.

Website Development

Whether you're a web designer, developer, product owner, or digital consultant, you must understand the web development process. Join Jennifer and Tracy as they discuss the development phase of website projects, from best practices and tools to client management and quality control.

Shannon Shaffer

Shannon Shaffer, Founder, Purple Finch Studios

Growing Your Team

Owners are often the bottleneck holding back business growth. Join Jennifer and Shannon as they discuss growing from one to many. Get the inside scoop on how to plan and prepare, what to consider before hiring, building a company culture, and empowering your team to show up at their best.

Tony Perez

Tony Perez, Co-founder, CleanBrowsing

Website Security Fundamentals

While designing and developing websites is fairly straightforward, website security isn't. Join Jennifer and Tony for an insightful interview and Q&A on website security and website ownership, providing website security services to clients, and including security services in your website monthly care plans.

Beka Rice

Beka Rice, Sr. Director of Product Management, GoDaddy

Ecommerce Store Builds

If you want to sell e-commerce websites, you need to know what store owners want. Join Jennifer and Beka as they cover the realities of owning an online store owner, the desired features that are often overlooked, the objectives to focus on, and how to improve your next ecommerce project.

Sean T. Boyd

Sean T. Boyd, CPA, CFP, CVA, California Accounting & Tax

Financials And Taxes

When it comes to financial planning, taxes, deductions, savings, retirement, and all things money, Sean Boyd is the expert you want in your corner. Join Jennifer and Sean as they talk about the money management side of freelancing and running a small business and keeping more of your revenue.

Chris Teitzel

Chris Teitzel, Founder, Cellar Door Media,

Website Security Services

If you’re building and managing websites, accessing and/or storing customer data, or simply logging into clients' platforms, security must be a priority. Join Jennifer and Chris as they discuss about website security, avoidable mistakes, horror stories, and security measures to protect yourself and your clients.

Chris Ford

Chris Ford, Remote Project Management Consultant

Project Management

From managing expectations to running discovery meetings to keeping track of budgets and deliverables, join Jennifer and Chris as they discuss the role of project management in client services, successful client relationships, and tips to streamline your PM process, save time, and reduce stress.

Michelle Schulp

Michelle Schulp, Owner/Designer, Marktime Media

Web Design

From user experience design to web design to creative processes and design workflows to where to find design inspiration, join Jennifer and Michelle as they talk shop and design tools, share client stories and project insights, and discuss all things user experience (UX) design and web design.

Noah Britton

Noah Britton, Founder & CEO, Thrive + Agency X-Ray

Lead Scoring And Tracking

What you track grows. If you want more leads and to turn more leads into paying clients, you must track the process. Join Jennifer and Noah as they discuss lead tracking and client tracking, how ignoring this puts you at risk of losing new business, and what data to track during the marketing and sales process.

Kronda Adair

Kronda Adair, CEO, Karvel Digital

Sales-Driven Marketing Automation

Every business needs clients and customers, yet when business owners get busy, the first thing they put on the back burner is marketing. Join Jennifer and Kronda as they talk about automated marketing systems that work 24/7 to capture attention, build trust, and create a predictable sales pipeline.

Shawn Hesketh

Shawn Hesketh, Creator, WP101

Creating Valuable Client Training

When selling tangible things like products, courses, and websites, buyers need education and training along with delivery. Join Jennifer and Shawn for a conversation about the lessons learned building WP101 and the WordPress 101 plugin, and how to provide engaging education that adds value.

Kori Ashton

Kori Ashton, Conversion Strategist

Virtual Lead Generation

Sales conversations are pretty clear-cut. What isn’t as clear-cut is how to get a quality lead to a sales call. Join Jennifer and Kori as they discuss all things digital lead generation: how to cultivate the leads and referrals you want online and guide them through the buyer's journey to a successful conversion.

John Doherty

John Doherty, Founder, Credo

Lead Generation

Successful lead generation isn't about quantity, it's about quality. Join Jennifer and John as they discuss the ins and outs of lead generation, how to attract the clients you want, what prospective clients really want to know, and what most agencies do wrong and how you can avoid their mistakes.

Laura Elizabeth

Laura Elizabeth, Founder, Client Portal

Branding And Brand Design

The most valuable asset of any business is its brand. Join Jennifer and Laura as they talk all things brand design. Discover common mistakes and how to avoid them, learn how to think strategically about logo design, and get tips and tricks on how you can get design concepts done faster and easier.

Joost de Valk

Joost de Valk, Founder, Yoast

The Right SEO Approach

Every site owner wants their website to show up on the first page of search results. Join Jennifer and Joost as they discuss what’s working and not working in modern SEO, the types of SEO you must know, best practices to improve rankings, and how to help websites get discovered more often online.

Bet Hannon

Bet Hannon, CEO, AccessiCart

Accessibility For Ecommerce Websites

Building quality, accessible digital experiences is about more than color contrast and alt tags, especially for ecommerce websites where accessibility shortcomings mean lost customers and lost revenue. Join Jennifer and Bet as they discuss making ecommerce sites more accessible to all shoppers.

Steve Zenghut

Steve Zenghut, Founder/CEO, Zeek

Value Positioning And Sales

The ability to close a sale can make or break a business and there isn't anyone better at sales than Steve Zenghut. Join Jennifer and Steve for a conversation about selling website services, pitching your ideas (and value), clarifying scope, writing proposals, and building strong client relationships.

Alicia Henderson

Alicia Henderson, CEO + Video Strategist

Marketing On LinkedIn With Video

Boost visibility and stand out as a premium service provider and the go-to authority on LinkedIn with video. Join Jennifer and Alicia as they discuss creating powerful LinkedIn video content that shows off your personality, addresses pain points, and provides quick solutions that make you the only choice.

Kim Coleman

Kimberly Coleman, Co-founder, Paid Memberships Pro

Association And Directory Websites

Association, club, and membership websites are complex, especially when profiles or listings can be edited by members. Join Jennifer and Kimberly as they discuss all things directory websites: site objectives, must-have features, common mistakes, monetization, performance, and more.

Joe Casabona

Joe Casabona, Podcaster + Podcast Coach, Podcast Liftoff

Teaching To Build Authority

Give away your best stuff! Share everything you know! Wait, what? Really? Join Jennifer and Joe for a conversation about how to teach what you know and show your work so you can establish authority and attract high-paying, ideal clients who value your expertise without giving away your secret sauce.

Jake Goldman

Jake Goldman, Founder And President at 10up

Enterprise Sales And Proposals

The sales and proposal process, especially for large projects with a lot at stake, can cause you to second-guess all the things. Join Jennifer and Jake as they discuss what it takes to sell large projects, what you must consider when selling to the enterprise, and how to confidently create accurate proposals.

Beth Hayden

Beth Hayden, Conversion Copywriter

Copywriting For Conversion

Landing pages, opt-in forms, and pop-ups, oh my! Join Jennifer and Beth as they talk about website copywriting and optimizing for conversions. Get tips for improving your calls to actions, learn about microcopy best practices, and get tips to create more effective opt-ins, popups, and landing pages.

Alex Juchniewicz

Alex Juchniewicz, Project Manager

Technical Project Management

You're brilliant at what you do but as a business owner, you also must manage tasks, timelines, resources, and budgets to keep your projects and business on track. Join Jennifer and Alex for a discussion about technical project management: lessons learned, challenges to avoid, and client support and management.

Chris Lema

Chris Lema, Strategist + Business Coach

Marketing And Storytelling

Figuring out how to tell your brand story in a way that inspires prospective clients to take action is hard! Join Jennifer and Chris as they discuss expert positioning, marketing, and brand storytelling and learn a step-by-step story framework that positions you as the best choice and makes ideal clients say YES!

Elizabeth Wilson

Elizabeth Wilson, COO, Zeek

Firing Challenging Clients

What happens when a challenging client becomes too challenging, tough conversations become the norm, a conflict can't be fixed, or behaviors cross boundaries? You part ways and let that client go. Join Jennifer and Elizabeth for a candid conversation about and true stories of firing clients.

Jessi Gurr

Jessi Gurr, Owner and CEO, Iceberg Web Design

Retainers And Care Plans

Exhausted from the pressures of constantly selling new projects? Ready to focus on retainers and monthly support? Join Jennifer and Jessi as they discuss packaging and selling website care plans and retainers, communicating with clients and managing long-term relationships, and mistakes to avoid.

Brian Clark

Brian Clark, Entrepreneur and Content Pioneer

Comunity + Email Newsletters

Digital entrepreneurs want to create engaged communities around their brands with email newsletters. But how do you make the investment worth it? Join Jennifer and Brian as they discuss email newsletter strategy, newsletter content, open rates, and how to turn subscribers into paying clients.

Katie Elenberger

Katie Elenberger, Founder, Spark 27 Creative

Brand Strategy + Design

Brand strategy, brand positioning, brand design — showing up aligned and on-brand is key to attracting the right clients and customers. Join Jennifer and Katie and they share client stories, talk shop, and cover all things related to branding, from strategy to messaging and the design that brings a brand to life.

Justin Ferriman

Justin Ferriman, Co-founder, LearnDash

Online Course Sites

Courses, lessons, quizzes, certificates, prerequisites, timed content drips… A lot goes into building an online course site! From curriculum planning to engaging students, join Jennifer and Justin as they discuss what to consider when choosing LMS software and adding an online course to your website.

Mendel Kurland

Mendel Kurland, WooCommerce Agency Advocate, Nexcess

Strategic Partnerships

The right strategic partnerships can propel your business forward and expedite growth. Join Jennifer and Mendel as they discuss the pros and cons of strategic partnerships, different types of partners, how to find good strategic partners, mistakes to avoid when structuring partnerships, and more.

Samar Owais

Samar Owais, SaaS + eCommerce Email Strategist + Copywriter

Email Marketing Content Strategy

Email marketing should increase conversions and reduce churn but most email sequences fall flat and don't produce the intended results. Join Jennifer and Samar as they unpack why and how you can create email marketing content that turns subscribers into buyers and existing customers into loyal fans.

Nathan Ingram

Nathan Ingram, Business Coach, >ADVANCE Coaching

Tough Client Conversations

Tough conversations are a part of interacting with clients and customers and unplanned sticky situations can cause undue worry and intense stress. Join Jennifer and Nathan for a conversation about how to handle those tough conversations professionally and create a positive client experience.

Lea Alcantara

Lea Alcantara, Visual Design Director at 10up

Hosting Stakeholder Design Workshops

Identifying the visual design direction and gaining buy-in on early design decisions is vital when working with a stakeholder team. Join Jennifer and Lea as they discuss the role of design workshops and how leading guided design exercises during discovery can simplify and streamline the design process.

Amy Hall

Amy Hall, Email Marketing Expert

Leveraging Email Newsletters

Every business needs email marketing. Join Jennifer and Amy as they discuss everything you need to know about selling and managing recurring email newsletter services, working with clients on their email newsletter content, and what to consider if outsourcing the work to a trusted partner.

Justin Wise

Justin Wise, The Different Company

Facebook Ad Copy

Facebook Ads can be incredibly effective. But before you pay for an ad, you have to know how to write a great ad. Join Jennifer and Justin for a conversation about Facebook advertising, mistakes to avoid, the truth about ad spends, and his five-step framework for writing ad copy that gets people to click.

Joy Bowen

Joy Bowen, Lifestyle + Business Coach

Adopting A Leadership Mindset

Imagine yourself living the life of your dreams on your terms, and running your business as the inspiring leader you know you are. It is possible but you have to decide to go get it. Join Jennifer and Joy as they talk about the power of mindset and what it means to step up as a leader and inspire others.

Rafal Tomal

Rafal Tomal, UI/UX Design Consultant

Website Design Process

Design captures attention, creates emotion, and shapes perception. Join Jennifer and Rafal, a sought-after designer and UI/UX consultant, for insights on how he approaches web design projects, from strategy and information architecture to wireframing, design, and client revisions.

Clifford Almeida

Clifford Almeida, CEO, HireAWiz + My Web Audit

Using Audits To Close More Sales

Data-driven audits help you close more deals and land bigger clients with less stress and work. Join Jennifer and Clifford as they discuss types of audits, why audits are so powerful, and how to use audits to establish expertise, build trust, add value, stand apart from the competition, and make more sales.

Amber Hinds

Amber Hinds, Founder and CEO, Equalize Digital

Understanding Website Accessibility

Accessibility isn’t a nice-to-have feature. It’s a requirement. But what does it mean to build an accessible website? Join Jennifer and Amber for a conversation about what website designers, developers, and owners must know about selling, creating, and maintaining accessible digital experiences.

Matt Cromwell

Matt Cromwell, General Operations Manager, GiveWP

Nonprofit Website Strategy

Mission-driven nonprofit websites have unique digital needs. Join Jennifer and Matt as they discuss working with nonprofit organizations and building nonprofit websites that engage communities and inspire support through donations, visibility, volunteerism, storytelling, and marketing.

Lindsay Halsey

Lindsay Halsey, Co-founder, Pathfinder SEO and webShine

Selling SEO Services

Have you thought about adding search engine optimization (SEO) services to your business? Join Jenifer and Lindsay as they discuss options for selling SEO services to build recurring revenue, common SEO mistakes and how to avoid them, and tips for educating clients about the benefits of investing in SEO.

BONUS! On-Demand Learning Library

What doesn't fit in the core Profitable Project Plan lessons is ready for you in the on-demand learning library.

To do work you’re proud of, make great money, and have the freedom to live the life of your dreams, you need to build a sustainable, profitable, flexible, freedom-based business.

  • When it comes to learning how to attract perfect-fit leads, sell with confidence, deliver extraordinary client experiences, and create recurring revenue, Profitable Project Plan has you covered.
  • But everything I want to share won’t fit in one program, or it would be years long, at least 5X the investment, and totally overwhelming!

That’s why I created the Profitable Project Plan on-demand learning library with curriculum adjacent training and insights to help you grow!

It houses supplemental resources, tools, and lessons that expand on core program, provide alternative options or approaches, and cover broader topics Profitable Project Plan members have asked questions about or specifically requested.

Kristin Falkner

"Today, I am 10x more efficient and I work far fewer nights and weekends. My client and project management feel much less repetitive and I put tasks on autopilot that were chewing up time because I was doing it all manually. I now feel as confident in the business side of things that I do in the code I write. You won’t regret taking this program, but you will regret not taking it earlier. If I had a time machine to go back and take this when I was starting out, I would do so in a heartbeat. Even years into my business, PPP is a rock-solid investment.”

Kristin Falkner |

Profitable Project Plan Is The Most Comprehensive Web Design Business Training And Mentorship Program

No fluff. No filler. No BS. No wasted hours on tactics that don't work. Just proven processes and battle-tested systems that have been powering web design businesses since 2011 and getting better year after year.

Tailored To Web Designers, Developers, Creators, Doers, And Dreamers

There are a lot of business training and mentorship programs that make bold claims — I know, I’ve signed up for them! But my frustration has always been the same: You don’t understand my industry, the business of web design and web development, or a business model centered around producing tangible work. Maybe you can relate? It’s what drove me to create Profitable Project Plan and share my systems. It’s also why this program includes everything — the what, why, and how, and the scripts, templates, emails, resources, and tools you need to level up your website projects and client experience.

An Approach Rooted In Sustainability, Profitability, And Freedom

Whether you’re just starting out, you’re ready to take your side-hustle full-time business, or you’re well-established and need to shore up your systems to support growth, Profitable Project Plan has your back. Customizable systems provide everything you need to confidently show up as a sought-after website expert, convey your value, charge what you deserve (and get it), increase revenue and profits, and turn clients into lifelong fans and referral sources. And, you’ll do it while also working fewer hours, experiencing greater ease and flow, and reducing stress so you can enjoy the hell out of life while building your business.

Battle-Tested With Hundreds Of Clients And Real Website Projects

Social media is littered with experts that have 1-2 years of experience, did one thing that worked, and now want to take your money and teach you to do it too. This isn’t that. This isn’t a one-time success turned into a product. Profitable Project Plan is a collection of proven processes and systems that have been used successfully on hundreds of website projects, ranging anywhere from $2,500 to $50,000, and refined year after year for more than 12 years. And, because these are systems still powering six-figure and multi-six-figure businesses, they continue to evolve so you never get stale advice.

Implementation-Focused To Drive Results That Create Change

If you’ve watched webinars, enrolled in courses, attended conferences and workshops, and bought digital products with the intent to improve your web design processes and make more money, but haven’t taken action because you’re too busy, it’s time for a change. If you want to see different results, you have to do something different. That’s why Profitable Project Plan includes weekly coaching and Q&A to get you unstuck and Implementation Weeks that give you extra time to complete a lesson and take action, just in case unexpected things pop up in your web design and development business or personal life.

Make Great Money, Love Your Work, Live The Life Of Your Choosing

You didn’t start your web design business to work every day and nights and weekends. You started it because you’re great at what you do, you dreamed of more flexibility and freedom, and you like helping people. It is possible to build a successful, profitable web design business AND enjoy life along the way. Profitable Project Plan gets you there by making sure you are pricing for profit, automating repetitive tasks, leveraging systems to save time and speed up workflows, filling your pipeline with perfect-fit, here’s-my-credit-card web design clients, and building recurring revenue.

"WOW! Where have you been the last 20 years! Profitable Project Plan helped me nail down my processes, get better organized, and land better clients! One client last year said they were blown away by my proposal and how professional it was and they LOVED that I actually had a comprehensive process for managing their project.

I've taken several programs but honestly, they were overwhelming and hard to implement. PPP was comprehensive and pretty straightforward to implement right away, and the pre-written emails are such a time saver. If I had had this training years ago, I can't imagine where I'd be now. It's WORTH EVERY PENNY and then some!"

Michelle Bracewell | Bracewell Web Works

Join Profitable Project Plan Today!

Get lifetime access to everything you need to tame the chaos and build a successful, sustainable, profitable business, enjoy more freedom and flexibility, and have more fun in a friendly supportive community!

One Payment Of $1997

Join Now!


10 Payments Of $200

Join Now!

Payment Types

This Is Your Last Chance To Get Lifetime Access

Whether you're just starting out, taking your side-hustle full-time, or doubling-down to grow your existing web design business, Profitable Project Plan will help you reach your goals faster.

Maybe you’ve made the decision to create systems in your business.

Maybe you’ve evaluated shiny new tools and tactics, gathered ideas, surveyed your clients, and taken the first few steps to document your website creation process.

Maybe you have even invested in software and tools to automate your web design and client care processes someday.

But even with the best intentions, it hasn’t gotten done.

Building a web design business is hard (and it’s only getting harder).

  • It’s frustrating to want something better but lack the time and focus needed to make it happen because you’re too busy and your business is always what gets put on the back burner.
  • Without a clear plan and guidance from someone who’s been there (and still works with clients), it’s hard to know what to do next, and easy to feel overwhelmed.
  • The actions and strategies that got you to where you are today aren’t the same ones that are going to get you where you want to go, and knowing what to change isn’t easy.

You have to be the change you want to see in your business. The action you take today is what will create the future you live tomorrow.

  • If keep doing the same things you’ve been doing, you’ll be in the same place you are right now at this time next year — and because you’re reading this, I KNOW you don’t want that for yourself.
  • You want to build a better business and create a better future and Profitable Project Plan can help. It’s totally okay to fly the white flag and admit you need help with your business.

No one grows a successful, sustainable business all by themselves.

I didn’t get to where I am today without help. I sought out peers, business coaches, experienced friends, and web design industry experts to get guidance, insights, and help when I wasn’t sure what to do or what next step to take. And I still work with my own business mentors today.

No one can do it on their own.

Who would want to anyway?!

Working on my business and pursuing my dreams is the most fun when I have a supportive community to share the journey with and get help from — and I want that for you too.

And for the last time, when you enroll, you get LIFETIME ACCESS to everything included in the 2024 Profitable Project Plan cohort AND access to the new version of PPP that’s in the works!

Get-It-Done Money Back Guarantee

Try Profitable Project Plan risk-free. If you show up, participate fully, ask questions, and see no results, provide your work and get your money back.

If you participate fully, attend the live sessions, complete the homework and exercises, implement the training in your business and use it with clients, and don’t see a boost in revenue or a reduction in administrative and client management time, you can get your full program investment back.

This offer is available during the FIRST 90 DAYS of your enrollment. You will be required to show us your completed work. There are no refunds for choosing to not participate, deciding to not do the work, or failing to ask questions and get help.

90 Day Money Back Guarantee

Take Control Of Your Web Design Business

Without decisive action, you'll find yourself in the exact same spot a year from now, frustrated and wishing you had said yes. Make this the year you invest in yourself, work on your business, and take back your life.

Don’t let fear and indecisiveness stop you from investing in yourself, your business, and your clients. I want you to reach your goals, make a lot of money, and create loads of happy web design clients and raving fans who refer you to everyone they know — and I want you to enjoy life along the way too.

I want this next year to be your most successful, happy, profitable year ever.

With Profitable Project Plan, you can finally say goodbye to:

  • Low-quality leads and tire-kickers
  • Out-of-control scope creep and projects that go off the rails
  • Demanding and unreasonable clients
  • Frustrating project delays and eroding profit margins
  • The unpredictable feast or famine rollercoaster
  • Stress, overwhelm, sleepless nights, and burn out

And you can say yes to turning your goals into reality. I want you to ask yourself: How would your business and life be different if…

  • You have every step (and I mean every single step) of proven-effective web design processes clearly laid out for you so you never have to wonder, “What do I do next?”
  • You have a complete client management system implemented in your web design business with automated email sequences that move website projects forward in a meaningful way without you.
  • You have multiple sources of regular, reliable, monthly recurring revenue that stabilize cash flow and ease financial demands.
  • You attract a steady stream of lucrative leads and enjoy a full pipeline of prospects who can’t wait to work with you and are happy to pay your full fee.
  • You have the power to scale yourself so you can manage multiple website clients, earn more money, help more people, and make a bigger impact without working around the clock.
  • You get paid on time every time (or nearly every time because clients are unpredictable) and no longer have to chase late payments or have tough money conversations.
  • You have 100% confidence in your ability to powerfully communicate your value and professionally lead your clients through website projects as the expert you are.
  • You sleep better and enjoy more peace and less worry because your business has better margins and higher profits, and you’re closing more sales with confidence and ease.

Pretty incredible right?

It’s all possible if you say YES to Profitable Project Plan.

David Kissner

"Profitable Project Plan is the only program that covered all topics pertinent to my specific business and provided extensive, customizable resources, and personal support. It was like having my own personal mentor there whenever I needed help or even just a little encouragement. The program pays for itself in no time from increased projects and higher rates. My clients now feel like they are dealing with a professional rather than a freelancer/hobbyist and it's so much easier to charge what I'm worth.

I've said it many times: Investing in Profitable Project Plan was the best money I've spent in my 15+ years in business. It's scary to spend a significant amount of money on a program like this, but I can recommend it wholeheartedly to anyone who is considering taking the plunge. You won't be disappointed!"

David Kissner |

Is Profitable Project Plan Right For You?

Are you ready to commit, show up, and do the work needed to reach your biggest goals, or are you cool sticking with the status quo?

Profitable Project Plan is right for you if:

  • You already have a successful business and need to figure out how to scale yourself so you can save time and grow your business.
  • You’re just getting started and want strong systems to support you from the beginning so you don’t have to sacrifice your sanity or your health for your business.
  • You are tired of working nights, weekends, and long hours and not earning the income to match, and you know things need to change to move your business forward in a healthy, positive way.
  • You want to find an easier, faster way and are happy to leverage someone else’s trial and error to accelerate your success.
  • You’re ready to systematize your business to create more freedom and you don’t want to start from scratch.
  • You want systems in place to provide every client a consistent, extraordinary experience so they refer you to everyone they know.
  • You’re ready to do the work needed to transform your business into a streamlined powerhouse that supports you, your clients, your biggest goals, and your desired lifestyle.
  • You want to confidently charge what you deserve and get it and exit the feast or famine freelance roller coaster.

Profitable Project Plan is not right for you if:

  • You’re already an expert who knows everything, you have a successful business that runs like clockwork, and there is nothing want to improve.
  • You crave different results but don’t want to do try anything new. You’d rather keep doing things the way you’ve always done them because it’s comfortable and easy.
  • You don’t mind working nights and weekends! Your business is your hobby and your life. You love working all the time.
  • You prefer to do things the hard way, experience trial-and-error yourself, and figure out everything on your own.
  • You’re ready to systematize your business to create more freedom, and don’t mind it takes hundreds of hours or even a year.
  • There is no more value you could possibly deliver to clients. They all love you, rave about you, and refer you to everyone they know.
  • You’re not interested in doing any more work to change things and implement new systems and tactics. You’re happy with the way things are and would rather wait for a “silver bullet.”
  • You already charge premium rates, earn your full fee on every project, and make all the money (and profit) you need.

Join Profitable Project Plan Today!

Get lifetime access to everything you need to tame the chaos and build a successful, sustainable, profitable business, enjoy more freedom and flexibility, and have more fun in a friendly supportive community!

One Payment Of $1997

Join Now!


10 Payments Of $200

Join Now!

Payment Types

If You've Got Questions, I've Got Answers

Joining Profitable Project Plan is a total no-brainer, but I get it if you need a few more details clarified before jump in!

What’s the investment?

The complete business training and mentorship program is $1997 if you pay in full. A payment plan is also available to spread out your investment and make 10 equal payments of $200.

When does the next cohort start?

The next cohort starts January 15, 2024. Each week, lessons are released on Mondays so you can dive in, review, and get your questions ready for the live Discussion + Q&A sessions on Wednesdays.

Has This System Really Been Tested?

Yes! The systems that power this program were created in 2010/2011 and tested with a focus group of business owners with varying levels of technical savvy, including a business coach, nutritionist, copywriter, CPA, virtual assistant, author, speaker, blogger, and marketing strategist. Since then, I have used these systems to manage hundreds of client projects and they have also been continuously refined to create the battle-tested, proven systems you will learn and adapt.

What’s The Time Commitment?

Be prepared to spend an average of eight hours per week learning, adapting, and implementing the program systems. The video/audio lessons are 20-60 minutes long. The weekly Discussion + Q&A sessions are 60-90 minutes long. Each week, you’ll need roughly 2-3 hours for the lessons and Q&A, and an average of 4-5 hours of implementation time.

Is lifetime access really lifetime access?

YES! But this is the last time lifetime access will be offered. Enroll now to get lifetime access to everything in the 2024 cohort AND all program updates to come in the future.

What is an implementation week?

Implementation weeks provide extra time to get caught up and act on what you learn. During implementation weeks, no new materials are released and there is no live Discussion + Q&A session.

What can I customize for my brand?

Everything that is part of the program remains solely part of the program. Everything provided to use specifically with your private 1:1 clients — the templates, scripts, emails, client education guides, and tools — can be customized to provide a seamless brand experience. This includes the logo, colors, typography, content, and yes, even the copyright notice. Files are provided in Adobe InDesign format and in .IDML, basic MS Word, and plain text formats.

How much work will I really have to do?

This program isn’t a magic pill, silver bullet, or get-rich-quick solution. It won’t magically add systems to your business without any work. What it will do is save you countless hours of trial and error, stress, and the burden of creating everything from scratch. You or a member of your team must do the work to see the results you want.

Freelancers, Digital Entrepreneurs, And Small Business Owners Find Success With Profitable Project Plan

Not sure about jumping in and joining an amazing community of like-minded pros? See what Profitable Project Plan members have to say about the program, their experience, and the impact it has had.

Cami MacNamara

PPP helped me streamline my processes, develop a client care plan, make more money, and be more confident in the services I’m offering.

“I wake up excited to do my job, but sometimes I felt overwhelmed with the tasks in front of me. Profitable Project Plan has given me the tools to tame my tasks! While other courses focus on team or agency-level training, this course is tailored to small business owners like myself. I had processes in place but on a much smaller scale. Adding this amount of detail to my client communication has made a world of difference and I love that I could customize PPP to fit my own business with ease! I and now sleeping better at night and moving faster through my daily to-do list.

After implementing the onboarding training, a client stood up at a BNI meeting and raved about my onboarding process and it felt great to hear that! Investing in my own training has been the best decision I have made for my business. It has helped me streamline my processes, develop a client care plan, make more money, and most of all, be more confident in the services I’m offering. I only wish had signed up earlier. Do it now!”

— Cami MacNamara, WebCami Site Design

Dare Adelugba

I am now confident to charge fees based on my worth.

“My conversion rate is lower but my rates are higher and I am more selective than before. I am now confident to charge fees based on my worth and reject clients and projects that do not fit without feeling guilt. If you are struggling with managing projects and clients, this program will put you on the right path to do it right. The information and help you get in PPP is priceless. It’s a no judgement zone where you can ask seemingly ‘stupid questions’ but the answers benefit everyone. The Facebook group is an added bonus to get answers and resolve complex issues one is facing with their clients.”

— Dare Adelugba |

Tammie O'Neal

I took my first vacation in 7 years.

“I took my first vacation in 7 years and was able to do so without the stress of keeping up with business. My systems have improved and I have learned to hire-out parts of my work so I can do the more important things. I am learning I don’t have to do everything to be successful, and now, I am better at sticking to my strengths than my weaknesses. Thinking about PPP? Absolutely do it. It will inspire you and help you improve your marketing and day-to-day operations. Jen’s advice is spot on. Just listening to her help solve the different problems people share has been enlightening.”

— Tammie O’Neal |

Sydni Craig-Hart

The process is completely transferable no matter what type of business you have.

“My company enrolled in Profitable Project Plan because our business has changed in recent years and we needed better systems to onboard and manage our enterprise-level clients. We need a documented process for onboarding, communication, and project management. This program is much more detailed oriented than most. Rather than simply being a high-level overview, it provided step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish your goals. The sample emails and client educational guides were FANTASTIC! I love how the entire process is completely transferable no matter what type of business you have.

We have already implemented the client onboarding process and were able to do so quickly with the easy-to-follow system provided in PPP. If you’re on the fence, don’t hesitate… PPP will be well worth it. You can’t go wrong with this program. The cost of the course is but drop in the bucket when compared to the value it will bring to your business.”

— Sydni Craig-Hart | Smart Simple Marketing

Adam Smith

It's great to have lifetime access and continue to come back year after year.

“Don’t hesitate and just take the plunge as you won’t regret it. The material in the lessons is great and very in-depth, the roundtable discussions provide valuable insights from professionals already working in the industry, and the expert interviews offer advice on a multitude of topics. If you ever have questions, the Facebook group is available anytime plus there are coworking sessions where you can also questions. It’s great to have lifetime access and continue to come back year after year. I am very happy I signed up for PPP and would recommend it to anyone who already has a web design business as well as people like me who are yet to set up a business.

— Adam Smith |

Jennie Powell

PPP really was the best business decision I've made.

“I joined PPP because I wanted clarity and support with the business side of web design and was so happy to find Jen, who is a designer, recommended by so many people. I raised my rates and felt confident doing it because I now have the client experience to go along with the great websites I design. I’m working with bigger clients, have more clarity about the types of work I want to take on, and am fully booked until Christmas which was my ultimate goal! PPP really was the best business decision I’ve made. I can’t praise it enough. The value is incredible and worth every penny.”

— Jennie Powell |

Chloe Briggs

I got about a million gold nuggets in the first few weeks!

“I’ve always delivered a good service but that service seemed to differ with every client/project. Some clients would get lots of helpful emails because I remembered to send them, but with others I would forget some communication and project management. I didn’t have strong processes or track time! What stands out is access to Jen and the opportunity to learn directly from her. I got about a million gold nuggets in the first few weeks! I’ve been much more consistent this year and PPP is definitely a big part of that. I’ve developed systems and tracking for a lot of things which were never tracked before, and this has helped massively. Give it a go! If you have a small WordPress business you’ll definitely get lots of value out of the course and the Q&A sessions.”

— Chloe Briggs |

Tor Jones

“When I lost my partner who always took care of the contracts and client communication, I realized things had not changed in many years and we had no systems in place. Profitable Project Plan solved this in ways I could not have imagined! The email templates have already made a positive impact on the time I spend answering the same questions over and over again, and I feel much more confident sending out the client agreements, which helps with the dreaded scope creep as I now have something solid to refer back to.

I can not thank you enough. When we started the company 25 years ago, it never occurred to me that I would have to be responsible for this end of it. I got lucky when I found you! The time saved on communication and lifetime access is invaluable. Don’t start another one without taking this course!”

Tor Jones | Jones & Jones Advertising Inc.

Yanta Haynes

Jennifer is very transparent and gives more than your money's worth.

“My PPP experience was incredible. It was well organized and structured, with excellent communication throughout! PPP has given me the necessary skills to understand the website design process. It is literally like a franchise program! I efficiently set up time-saving processes and automations that improved business operations as well as my own designer life. Now projects go smoothly with minimum hassle or revisions.

I am a course junkie and have not taken a course as well organized, informative, and resourceful as this one. It is intense, but Jennifer has put everything in place to not overwhelm you. The course has several best parts: Jennifer is very transparent and gives more than your money’s worth, everyone is willing to assist and give answers to day-to-day issues, and lifetime access gives you the opportunity to implement everything in your own time.”

— Yanta Haynes |

Ann Marie Gill

It was above and beyond my expectations and 1000% better than anything else I have signed up for.

“Even though I have had a web design agency for a while, I knew there were areas of the business I could improve. I was skeptical because many other courses didn’t inspire me enough to attend or didn’t provide the value I expected. PPP was so different. It was above and beyond my expectations and 1000% better than anything else I have signed up for. Her worksheets are so beautiful that I had each week’s materials printed and now have a new business learning library. It is the ultimate program for those wanting to learn how to run a web design business.

The amount of information, materials, and interviews are worth 10X more than what I paid. I tried some of the program techniques and the contract template, and I do believe it made a difference in landing two very large projects during this course. There is no other program out there that provides as much as valuable feedback and interviews from top professionals in the industry and Jennifer is an incredible teacher and leader.”

— Ann Marie Gill |

Gareth Bissland

We now have a process from start to finish.

“We had zero processes and knew we could do better so we turned to Profitable Project Plan. We did another business course before but it wasn’t us. The way they spoke and delivered everything was more ‘salesy’ than we would ever use ourselves and it didn’t sit comfortably with us. PPP was different. The tone — the way Jennifer speaks (and writes) to clients — was absolutely perfect for us and our business. The way Jennifer talks through issues and details is actually ‘selling’ to the client without them realizing it. It uses a more humble approach: you know what you are talking about, while still being friendly, approachable, and knowledgeable.

After taking PPP, I feel armed with confidence because we now have a process from start to finish. I feel more confident talking to clients and our last few projects have been completed with fewer questions, so this has freed up time, which is GOLD. If you are like we were, busy but not hugely profitable and without clear processes, this program will no doubt help you massively! You will feel far more knowledgeable and confident talking and dealing with clients about any project or issues that arise in the future.”

— Gareth Bissland |

Michelle Kraft

PPP helped me understand how to run my whole business and handle clients.

“When I heard Jennifer speak in an interview, I knew that she was smart in how she did business and was extremely organized in handling clients. The methods of communication she described were exactly what I was missing in my client relationships.

PPP helped me understand how to run my whole business and handle clients. Jennifer presented everything in an extremely organized fashion, all the way from the tools she included in the program to the way she split the training videos from lecture to Q&A. I loved that Jennifer was willing to answer any question that came in and every template given was beyond my expectations. But the things that really stand out are the underlying concepts of professionalism and building a great relationship with your client.

If you struggle with clients who are asking for endless revisions, fail to pay on time, or are indecisive, this is the program to take. It will streamline the boring business side that we need so badly, but never want to handle.”

— Michelle Kraft |

Russell Brown

In the past, our biggest challenge was getting content from clients, but with PPP, we don’t have that issue anymore!

“With a team of 10, I was stuck doing sales, business management, and project management with staff and clients. PPP is a system that is ready to go and able to be delegated, which has huge value. Because you get the training to implement and customize it to your liking, we now have a system our project coordinator can use to drive projects to completion profitably, without me getting in the way. What’s better is that I now have the ability to focus on sales, grow the business, and do what I really enjoy!

We have received good feedback from clients on everything. This system holds their hand through the process and helps them provide what we need to deliver the project. In the past, our biggest challenge was getting content from clients, but with PPP, we don’t have that issue anymore! This without a doubt a system that will help grow your business. Plus, it’s easy to train a new staff member to use it so you can work on the business rather than in it.”

— Russell Brown |

Dimitri Bobkov

I’ve doubled my revenue and I’m filled with excitement!

“I can’t emphasize enough how much Profitable Project Plan has transformed my business! It’s been an absolute game-changer. PPP equipped me with the tools to showcase my value and brought a level of structure and clear communication that has revolutionized how I manage website projects.

Thanks to PPP, I’ve doubled my revenue and I’m filled with excitement as I look forward to the next year, knowing that even more growth is within reach!”

— Dimitri Bobkov |

Tessa Kriesel

“As a developer, I struggle with all the other parts of freelancing — the sales calls, proposal creation, contracts, and overall bookkeeping and clerical work. Profitable Project Plan has been a complete lifesaver, helping me fill those gaps and continue to just write code! This program is amazing. The pre-written emails, contract templates, and call frameworks have been GAME CHANGERS and I love the hand-holding — it makes it easier for me to continue implementing and learning.

If you worry about what your client emails should say and take hours to write contracts, sign up for PPP and allow Jennifer to help you continue to do the part of your freelance role you actually enjoy!”

Tessa Kriesel, Kriesel Kreativ

Simon Kay

I found the teaching material to be far more detailed and valuable than any other courses that I have taken.

“I did not have a good onboarding process or off-boarding process and was keen to learn from the experience that Jennifer has in the industry. Now that I have completed PPP, I can improve our services and continue to grow a successful agency.

PPP goes into great detail with step-by-step instructions for each part of the process. This is a solid foundation for agencies wanting to offer a premium service. The teaching material is far more detailed and valuable than any other courses that I have taken — the onboarding system is excellent. This has helped me educate the clients without having to spend the time with them and it was very well received. Time is money.”

— Simon Kay | Studio K 360 Ltd

Rebecca Metz

This was by far the best training I have ever taken. It has more than paid for itself in referrals, additional sales, and sanity!

“I enrolled in Profitable Project Plan to create better systems and serve my clients in a better way. I wanted to earn more profit and make my clients’ lives better. PPP is the best! There are so many tactical done-for-you resources — I loved the frameworks and the pre-written emails and REALLY liked all the client guides!

Having PPP in place relieves a lot of stress and creates really healthy boundaries. Almost immediately I have reduced my sales cycle length and shortened the time it takes for each client project, I have a better way to manage scope creep, and I feel like I have a real handle on my projects. I know that my clients are being taken care of AND they report enjoying learning along the way. I also get the information I need quicker so it helps both me and my clients. This was by far the best training I have ever taken. It has more than paid for itself in referrals, additional sales, and sanity!”

— Rebecca Metz, Web Pages That Sell

Frederic Mommeja

Jennifer is always available for any question and doesn’t shirk from any of them.

“PPP is mostly different from other programs because of the amount of written material provided and the amazingly structured and complete selling system it represents. The client education guides, pre-written emails, and live Q&A are valuable. More than anything else, it’s the fact that Jennifer is always available for any question and doesn’t shirk from any of them. Her commitment and ease in dialoguing, explaining, and sharing her immense knowledge are really amazing! Thank you.

This saved me valuable time while greatly increasing the level of quality of my service. If, despite this, someone was still hesitant to join this program, let it be ensured that the client training guides alone are worth the investment. So imagine the value of the whole lot when you add all the processes and valuable advice provided!”

— Frédéric MOMMEJA |

Amber Hewitt

I was onboarding two projects in the same week... The email sequences allowed me to manage it all in minutes, not hours.

“I signed up for Profitable Project Plan because it is specific to my industry. I knew I was going to use every ounce of this training and the email sequences were very helpful! This program helps take care of managing your client communication before, during, and after a project. It will give you more time to work ON those projects and spend less time emailing back and forth. Recently, I was onboarding two projects in the same week. Between traveling and a new puppy, I was mentally fried. The email sequences allowed me to manage it all in minutes, not hours.

PPP was worth every penny! It has given me the confidence to communicate with my clients in a professional and friendly manner. It also clarifies the steps of each project. This lets me schedule projects more effectively. No more “How do I handle this stage of the project?”

— Amber Hewitt | Graphicgoo

Karen Gill

I’ve done a lot of free webinars that build up to something that ends up sounding like a scam. Profitable Project Plan would stomp all over them and laugh at the aftermath.

“As a brand new freelancer starting my own company, I had no internal structure setup and was spending hours (sometimes even days) trying to piece everything together. I was spending more time managing people and projects than actually building websites, which is what I love to do.

I’ve done a lot of free webinars that build up to something that ends up sounding like a scam. Profitable Project Plan would stomp all over them and laugh at the aftermath. This course is delaying the grey hairs I would have inevitably contracted much sooner had I never met Jennifer Bourn. If you’re thinking about PPP, JUST DO IT! I was skeptical about spending the large chunk of money (well large for a freelancer who just quit her job and was starting from scratch), but honestly, the longer you wait the more time and frustration it’s going to cost you in the long run. After being in PPP, I would easily spend twice what I did!”

— Keryn van der Dijken, Phantom Freelance

Katie Elenberger

“Strong client relationships and effective communication are core values at my full-service agency and Profitable Project Plan was exactly what I needed to streamline our onboarding and automation efforts. Not only did the course provide insight and new ideas, but it delivered the structure and content to start implementing right away. Jennifer presents in a clear, professional, and engaging way. She allows time for questions and shares her experience and knowledge, including what has and hasn’t worked for her business, which has had a direct impact on my own.”

Katie Elenberger | Spark27 Creative

You're Still Thinking About It?

Check out these questions that others have asked about Profitable Project Plan, how the program works, what it means to be have alumni status, and more.

Will I learn how to implement everything in the lessons?

The lessons walk you through the what, why, and how. You’ll learn the reasoning behind each step, its purpose, and how it helps you and your client, and get the content, emails, call frameworks, scripts, checklists, tools, and client guides done for you to customize for your brand. If you get stuck, you can get direct 1:1 support in the live Q&A sessions.

Is there a limit on the number of questions I can ask?

Nope! You can ask as many questions as you want during the live Q&A sessions. Have a question or need a fresh perspective between live sessions? Post it in the Facebook group! Jen checks in at least once daily, and you’ll also benefit from the expertise of other members.

Will I get immediate access to the lessons when I sign up?

No. This is a cohort-based program. Lessons are released weekly on a set schedule. The curriculum has been carefully organized, designed, and tested to deliver maximum impact with minimal effort. The goal is to get you the fastest and best possible return on investment. You receive training in the ideal order so each lesson builds on the previous lessons. This enhances comprehension and ensures implementation is focused and purposeful. No wasted time. No duplicating work.

What do I get immediate access to?

A LOT! You gain immediate access to a program prep checklist and five prep assignments that you’ll want to get started on right away so you’re ready to hit the ground running when the program starts in January. You’ll also gain access to on-demand expert interviews, the Facebook group, client attraction challenges, supplemental training, and sales/outreach scripts to help you close new business and raise your rates before the year ends.

How can I use the materials provided in my business?

If it’s part of the core program, it’s NOT yours to use or adapt. It’s yours to learn from. If it’s a script, template, tool, or resource provided for you to use in your business, you can: 1) customize and adapt it as needed, and 2) use it with your private 1:1 clients for internal client management, education, training, and communication purposes.

What is NOT included in Profitable Project Plan?

This business training and mentorship program does not include specific skill or software tutorials because you can use any software you want and tutorials can be found in abundance online. While templates and examples are provided for you to adapt to your preferred workflows, I do not share deliverables my clients have paid for (that’s a firm trust boundary).

If this is cohort-based, are alumni stuck to the same schedule?

When the 2024 cohort ends, you gain access to a new Alumni HQ where a complete copy of the immediate past program is kept intact for you to peruse at your own pace. This is the LAST cohort that will receive lifetime access to this program and ALL future updates.

Will this system help me make more sales?

Many members report closing sales faster and easier, others are finally able to raise their rates with confidence, and others are able to fill their pipeline with qualified clients. You get lessons on packaging, pricing, and sales, lessons on securing recurring revenue, 14 client attraction challenges to help you get more clients, and sales scripts to generate qualified leads. No specific results are guaranteed because it’s up to you to show up, learn, and do the work — and that’s a choice.

Can I share my access with friends, subcontractors, or remote partners?

No. Nope. Nada. Enrollment gives you a single license for one person and one business entity. You can share materials with employees of the business entity only. You may not share materials with anyone not officially enrolled and anyone who is not an employee, which includes subcontractors, virtual assistants, and strategic partners you collaborate with. Want to add a team member to go through the program with you? No problem! Reach out for discounted team pricing.

What happens if I miss a payment plan payment?

If your payment plan fails, our system will attempt to process it three more times. If successful payment is not completed, membership will be canceled and you’ll forfeit all lifetime access rights. If the full remaining program investment balance is paid within 30 days, membership and lifetime access will be reinstated. If not, you can sign up again sometime in the future.

Robert Silver

“I purchased a similar training, but it's nowhere near as polished. The community — hearing other people’s points of view and how they run a business — has been very useful. If you’re someone who struggles to look professional when dealing with clients and wants to appear like a serene swan swimming through the water, then do PPP! Jennifer has used all of her years of experience to hone a program that will walk you step-by-step through professionally working with clients and setting boundaries along the way. This lady knows her stuff and has worked in the industry long enough to know how to deal with even the most problematic customer.”

Robert Silver | RS Studios

Sally Tudhope

This program is going to change your life.

“I signed up because my process was a bit ad hoc, and as I got busier, I needed a more streamlined approach. I wanted plug-and-play, where I didn’t have to think too much about the process but could spend my time customizing something to my needs.

PPP takes the guesswork out of putting a process in place. Where many courses are theoretical, this is a roadmap, with all the steps in place and all the templates, email scripts, and automation suggestions you could ever need. PPP has freed up my headspace to be more present with my clients, serve them better, and be more creative in my business. It has made projects more profitable and clients more likely to refer business and that’s a win all around!

This program is going to change your life. Plus, it’s so unbelievably helpful to have lifetime access. Being able to go back and work through particular areas is gold.”

— Sally Tudhope, Sally Tudhope Creative

Shayla Miguel

No matter what stage you are at, PPP will take you to your next level.

“As an emerging web designer I didn’t have a set system or process in place and I struggled with pricing. I didn’t have the knowledge to run a design business since I was trained to work for someone else. The structure and organization of PPP is second to none! Jen has a gift for making things easy.

I overcame the pressure of perfection and am more confident in what I have to offer. I set my hourly rate, have a greater understanding of how I need to work and manage my time to be profitable, integrated website support into my offers, and adjusted my web design process so I can get what I need on time.

Knowing I can make progress little by little with lifetime access gives me peace! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! No matter what stage you are at in your business, PPP will take you to the next level.”

— Shayla Hamilton |

Damian Saunders

PPP offers a ‘turn key’ approach.

“I was looking for a defined approach to creating a business process that was documented, repeatable, automated, and that, if followed, would deliver predictable outcomes. PPP offers a ‘turn key’ approach. The process is delivered along with all the documentation you need to implement the program, which saves hours of planning and developing. The client education materials, the lifetime access to the program, and Jennifer’s generosity have been really valuable.

If you’re looking to take your business from an ad-hoc disorganized approach for onboarding clients and delivering sites, to one where you deliver a professional, predictable, and value-laden experience, then sign up. This program will elevate your clients’ perceptions of your professionalism, the perceived value of their investment, and their trust in your services.”

— Damian Saunders | WebFoundations

Meg Appleby

My clients love it.

“My business is growing and my systems were not keeping up. I didn’t have time (or the know-how) to stop working and develop systems myself, so PPP was an invaluable investment! It provided a detailed outline of the processes and was more of a done-for-you system, which was precisely what I needed. It gave me all the content to make the system work out of the box and didn’t make me think too hard about implementation.

My clients love it. I can already see an improvement in how my projects flow, how we communicate, and how clients perceive the value of their projects. My clients feel empowered and are more involved in the project process. It’s been great having meetings with clients when they talk about stuff from a position of knowledge because they have read and thought about the materials I’ve sent (I love hearing phrases that I know were in the emails come out in our meetings!!!)”

— Meg Appleby, Bloom Online

Shane Barnes

It’s an investment that will pay for itself many times over and free up time...

“PPP has provided a much-needed framework that I am now using to guide clients confidently through projects and deliver tremendous value without doing everything on the fly. I’ve used the education guides and clients have expressed how valuable they’ve found them. Both of those aspects of PPP have added a great deal of value to my services as evidenced by the positive feedback I’ve received.

This is by far the most in-depth and comprehensive course I’ve taken. If you’ve grown weary of making the same mistakes over and over again; if you’ve been dying to increase efficiency and work on your business; if you’re finally ready to invest in yourself so you can stand out and establish yourself as a quality service provider, take Profitable Project Plan. It’s an investment that will pay for itself many times over and free up time so that you can step back and enjoy the fruits of your labor in a way you could only dream of doing previously.”

— Shane Barnes | First Light Web Design

Leslie Staller

“I invested in PPP because of Jennifer and Brian — their reputation precedes them. The course is focused, detailed, easily actionable, and grounded in solid examples of where to start created by someone in the trenches doing the work. And being a fellow designer, the fact that the course is beautifully put together and easy to navigate is a huge bonus. I now have greater clarity and ease and feel more empowered when talking with potential clients and managing client projects. I have improved my communication with clients and confidently grown my business.”

Leslie Staller | Vision Shift Design

Camille Farey

I started seeing a difference almost immediately.

“I’d heard Jennifer on a podcast talking about her systems and when I heard about PPP I wanted in! I loved everything about PPP. The materials and systems are so thorough it makes it easy to implement ASAP in your business. I started seeing a difference almost immediately. I signed three new clients during PPP and all of them told me how much they loved my organization and process. As it turns out, I also love this more hands-on approach.

PPP is the real deal. I’ve invested in a lot of trainings but none have been quite as in-depth as this. Plus, my clients love it! They feel taken care of and trust me more as a result. I feel empowered to lead the project and love working collaboratively with my clients using the PPP method. This is an amazing opportunity to learn from one of the best. Jennifer doesn’t hold back and my business has benefited so much as a result. I’d recommend PPP to anyone.”

— Camille Farey | Camille Farey Design

Suren Arora

Jen has ALWAYS overdelivered beyond what you expect.

“This is THE course if you are serious about your business and want to structure it the right way without making costly mistakes. PPP touches upon possibly every little detail on how to sell, price, and position yourself. It even walks you through brand, design, and development process tricks and best practices.

Jen has ALWAYS overdelivered beyond what you expect. The support from alumni, Jennifer, and fellow members is beyond amazing. The best part of the course is you get lifetime access so you can repeat it again and again.”

— Suren Arora |

Michelle Archambault

PPP gave me a huge head start, saving me months of work!

“I had reached a point where there weren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. I was worried things were falling off my plate and I wasn’t providing the value I could be for my clients… and hiring a virtual assistant was not the answer for me. When I learned about PPP, I realized I found a way to work smarter — a way to bring greater value and reliability to my clients, and sanity back to my schedule.

PPP showed me how to implement a plan and gave me a huge head start, saving me months of work! The materials to leverage in my business were the difference between LEARNING the process and actually IMPLEMENTING the process. This has freed me up so I can spend more time focused on creating great websites. It has provided a ‘friendly but firm’ footing and I have gotten great feedback from clients.”

— Michelle Archambault | Mica Web Design

Teri Pastorino

I am running the projects, leading the process, and setting clear expectations.

“PPP gave me not just theory but the how-to including actionable items to put a process in place. It is plug-and-play. Take the documents, customize them for your business, and go. Make no mistake there is still work involved, but it is far less daunting and makes it doable to get a process in place.

I am my own worst enemy on waffling and giving in to scope creep but now I feel more in control. Now, I am the one running the projects, leading the process, and setting clear expectations. I am also already adapting this to other areas of my business which has allowed me to manage all aspects better and weaned me off working weekends and evenings. If you feel stressed or disorganized, do NOT hesitate to sign up. It will give you a process you can follow and the permission to stand up for yourself. Which many of us don’t do!”

— Teri Pastorino, WebExpertista

Mike Irvine

PPP has given me the tools to deliver a successful project every time!

“Profitable Project Plan has changed the way I approach all of my web projects. I’ve invested in various training courses, but this is the only complete system I’ve found that guides you from start to finish, through the entire project process. You can start implementing right away and I always learned something from the Q&A sessions and Jennifer’s honest responses.

Profitable Project Plan has given me the tools to deliver a successful project every time! I have created consistent, repeatable processes so each project now runs smoother, my client communication has improved, and I have a new sense of confidence working with clients. PPP is worth every dollar.”

— Mike Irvine | Irvine Design Co.

Anabeth Wilson

PPP has the best ROI and raises the bar for how we as business owners communicate and provide value to our clients.

“I have been a graphic designer for over 25 years and a web designer for 6 years. I’m a project manager managing 40-50 projects at a time for a web development company. I also work a side-hustle and have a goal of going full-time.

For many programs I’ve been in (and yes there have been quite a few), I didn’t fully connect with the leader. But with Profitable Project Plan, I felt more of a connection with Jennifer. She’s in the trenches actually running a business and has been doing it for many years. I love her straightforward thinking — she’s polite, yet firm. When a situation comes up, my thoughts are ‘What would Jennifer do in this situation?’

I love how the handbooks deliver the 50,000-foot view of the process then break it down to the 5-foot view. This helped me see the process from a different perspective so I could determine how to best implement it in my business. This has saved me hours of time.

PPP has the best ROI and raises the bar for how we as business owners communicate and provide value to our clients. Even if you only apply a portion of systems, you will still recoup your investment. It is seriously the best done-for-you process that only requires tweaking to your brand style and voice. The value you can provide your clients through this process is absolutely priceless and will have your clients raving about you long after their project is completed.”

— Anabeth Wilson | Crystal Clear Pixels

Anabeth McConnell

What's unique about this program is that Jennifer is 100% involved.

“Profitable Project Plan is a lot of work but once the system is in place you’ll see your time investment decrease and profitability increase for each project. The best part is that the framework builds a strong foundation that can be completely customized for your unique business.

As a HubSpot provider who provides web design and development, my business and information is different but the PPP framework still works. I simply plugged in my guides based on the framework outlined and my clients love the extra education. What’s unique about this program is that Jennifer is 100% involved. This isn’t just a bunch of videos and with lifetime access, I continue to tweak my process because I keep learning new things as I go through the program again.”

— Anabeth McConnell | Inbound Design Partners

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